so today i decided to go through my blog archives to kind of review what i had written over the past two months. it seems as though i started out writing fairly meaningful posts, some funny, some insightful. but now i just seem to rant, whine and complain. so i thought, oh my goodness, i've got to do better. i can't go around thinking negatively about everything. i've got to change the way i look at everything.

i've been working for this non-profit organization that is basically a social club for really smart people for about one year and one month. i was supposed to get my annual review and raise about three weeks ago. i have yet to get it. i really do need the extra money since i'm in school now. the old melyssa would whine and complain about this. well actually i have been for the past couple of weeks. however, the new melyssa is going to look at the bright side. yeah i don't have the review or the raise, but i have job security. they can't technically fire me if i'm not doing anything wrong. and i don't know if i'm doing anything wrong because i've never been formally reviewed. so, i may not have the money i want, but i've got a steady income for the time being. i'm just gonna wait it out and make a plan of action later, but i'm not going to complain.

just paid the rest of my tution for this semester. now that's depressing. but i'm not gonna be negative. i'm thinking i'm blessed because i have the intelligence, the money and the opportunity to get this advanced degree, so why whine about it? it's a blessing!

so, this is the new me. the positive me. the me searching for my joy so that it can shine. kind of reminds me of that song ... this little light of mine, i'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine ... come on! sing with me! :-)

This entry was posted on Thursday, September 30, 2004 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 lovely comments:

    Ontario Emperor said...

    A positive attitude about negative things is a good attitude to have, and it's good to have the reminder.

    My blog posts go all over the place - serious, not so serious, short, long, positive, negative. Blog posts are usually unedited brain dumps, so they're going to reflect your mood.

    Regarding your work situation, perhaps you could ask your boss about scheduling your annual review. Don't even mention the money part - just the review. Or have you already asked?

  1. ... on Thursday, September 30, 2004  
  2. Melissa said...

    "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright

  3. ... on Thursday, September 30, 2004  
  4. melyssa said...

    good advice, o.emp ... to answer your question i have asked him at least once a week since the beginning of september just about the review, never once mentioned the pay increase. and he keeps saying we'll get to it. at one point he actually wrote it down on his calendar in red ink for sept. 22 "melyssa's annual review." of course that day has come and gone and no review.

    thank you for your thoughts.

    thanks for the quote, m.

  5. ... on Thursday, September 30, 2004