i'm tired. i'm so tired of trying to make my place in corporate america. i work at corporate headquarters in the marketing communications for a medium-sized company. i coordinate development and distribution of our collateral materials to the field. on the back of every collateral piece we list all (40+) branch locations and their phone numbers. this sounds pretty simple and logical, right? well, the branches are constantly moving and forgetting to tell marketing. inevitably, we distribute a piece with a wrong phone number. so, in the latest batch two phone numbers were wrong. the branches screamed to the corporate product department vp, the vp screamed at me, and i submitted the new information to our graphic designer to change the template for the next go round. so, the graphic designer must point out to me that one of the phone numbers did not change. ok, well then don't change it, it's obviously right. but no, we must point out this error. the vp must point out the error to me and the graphic designer must point out the error in the error. seriously! an entire morning of electronic communication over this. people are dying in iraq! i don't have the patience to deal this morning. i really don't.

moral of the story: white men can't jump, but they can correct!

This entry was posted on Monday, February 04, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

1 lovely comments:

    Unknown said...

    Wow, sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. I also have low tolerance for stupidity, and I surely don't want anyone yelling at me!

  1. ... on Tuesday, February 12, 2008