so, in february of this year i ordered some rust colored sheers to put up in my newly decorated living room. they were on back order till may 23rd. but i thought i'd wait it out because 1) i'd already ordered them once i'd learned they were back ordered and 2) they were gonna look really good with my new rust colored accent wall. well, i was all too pissed to learn on may 13, yes may 13 that jc penney isn't going to stock those simple looking sheers anymore. argh! so, now i must start over looking for rust colored sheers and rust colored runners for my wood floors. but, i'll tell you this, you can bet neither product is going to be purchased from jc penney since their customer service skills are obviously lacking. it's really a shame that i am going to have to now put them on my boycott list because they do have some nice looking, inexpensive clothes and purses.
1 lovely comments:
mrcrazyone said...
That is a bummer. My boycott list only has one store on it Burlington. You are right JCPenny clothes are nice and reasonably priced. I haven’t even thought about window treatments or rugs yet.