one of the negatives about my new job is the commute. i live less than a mile from my old job so the commute was awesome. on nice days i could walk to work. anyway, the new job is about 25 miles - door to door. the drive really isn't that bad because i can enjoy talk radio or listen to some of my gospel music on the way in (or out). however, there is a five mile stretch on one hight that is only three lanes for about half of the five miles and two lanes for the other half. so, of course, the traffic slows there, and if there's rain or a wreck, things are very slow moving. or something odd can happen, like what happened on tuesday. an 18 wheeler carrying towels - yes, towels - (those white cheapy kind used in motels) dropped part of the load onto the highway reducing the few lanes to one. as i'm sitting in my car inching along, i'm thinking how did the twoels, which were in tupperware-like bins, fall out of the ba ck of this truck? somewhow, the back door had to rise up and the bins shifted to the back and then fall out. and what's going to happen to those towels now? are they going to be disinfected or thrown away? i don't know that i'd want to use towels that had been strewn along a dirty highway, but throwing them way seems wasteful. and where were they being transported? my mind wanders ...

it's a good thing i have a creative and active mind. for one, it got me the new job. and secondly, what else am i going to do while traveling five miles in about 30 minutes?

This entry was posted on Thursday, January 13, 2005 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 lovely comments:

    mrcrazyone said...

    If the towels in the back of the truck were indeed headed to a hotel they were probably trying to escape. I made a mistake and watched a news show special on hotel room cleanness a little while back. They went CSI style with the black lights and all and checked out some popular hotels. There were body fluids on the walls, chairs, bedspread, and carpet. The towels that fell off the truck could possibly be the cleanest thing in the room when they arrive. Sad but true.

  1. ... on Friday, January 14, 2005  
  2. mrcrazyone said...

    Oh, almost forgot. Welcome to the wonderful world of commuting where traffic can come to a crawl simply because someone is on the side of the road changing a tire. Rubbernecking should be a moving violation. I have around a thirty-mile commute in each morning.

  3. ... on Friday, January 14, 2005  
  4. melyssa said...

    j, i think i saw that special on tv. it was pretty gross. and you are so right rubbernecking should be illegal. traffic came to a halt last saturday while i was on my to the mall because a police car was on the side of the road investigating an abandoned car. now, i know that just proves that i was rubbernecking too, but traffic was stopped so what they hey?!

  5. ... on Saturday, January 15, 2005