so, back in february the following statement was attributed to michelle obama:

"People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and … for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."

i can see where she's coming from. in a country where michael vick is sent to prison for dog fighting, but the NYPD can openly murder an unarmed black man, there's not much pride in that.

in a country where it's ok to call young, athletic, educated women nappy headed hos, there's not much pride in that.

in a country that has a federal government that has finally gotten around to apologizing for slavery and jim crow laws, there's not much pride in that.

in a country where a south carolina judge refers to crack addiction as a "black man's disease," there's not much pride in that.

and in a country where you have to fight twice as hard to get half as much, there's not much pride in that either.

maybe she didn't word it the best. and maybe the right-wingers made her take the heat for it. but i can definitely understand where she's coming from! and maybe it's nice to see a man with african american heritage have fighting chance at holding the highest title in the united states. - it gives all americans a little something to be proud of.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

1 lovely comments:

    Don said...

    I too understood where Michelle Obama was coming from. I even went so far as to wish she hadn't gone back and tried to correct herself. I never understood how the media acts like she shouldn't be upset with that which she has witnessed in her life.

    Her words made perfect sense to me.

  1. ... on Wednesday, August 06, 2008