Image Credit: Ambro
years ago i was given this gem of insight. time after time, people will disappoint you. ironically, it was given by the person who dealt the ultimate disappointment in my life, but it was good insight nonetheless.

people will disappoint.

they won't show up.

they will lie (blatantly and by omission).

they will pretend.

and it can be overwhelming for all parties involved. people will disappoint. this i have learned all too well (especially as of late), but i keep pushing forward. why?

because not all disappointments come for a place of ill-intent. many times those who love us don't want to disappoint, but it happens just the same. and i've learned i must forgive those who have trespassed against me just as i pray that God forgives me for my trespasses. and i know that He is one who will never disappoint.

there is hope in the journey.

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