not that kind of toy! get your mind out of the gutter!
i, yes frugal me, got an iPhone. on debut weekend, i was visiting my cousin in virginia. but i must step back and tell you the whole truth and nuthin' but ...
as i left my home for the dfw airport i received a voicemail message from the local airline that i was flying to alert me of a gate change. ah! technology is awesome indeed. so, i arrived two hours early, checked in just fine after being felt up by tsa, and the plane boarded and departed right on time. i get to va. and to my surprise my cell phone was not working. yes, it's a motorola v220, yes it's old, but it was working five hours earlier! so, i assume it must be the coverage even though i subscribe to the cingular - the new at&t, more bars, yada, yada, yada. anyway, i fiddle with it from the airport to my cousin's house. at this point the phone will power up, let me dial a number, and promptly power down. after 48 hours in va. with no cell phone, my cousin's girlfriend takes me to the mall where there's a very nice apple store that just happens to have plenty of iphones and NO line whatsoever. i decide this must be sign from god or the shopping goddess or some higher power. and i, yes frugal me, purchase an iphone. and what a glorious fabulous purchase it's been. i've been back in texas for about a week and there are no iphones to be found. desperate people are visiting every at&t and apple store in sight and they cannot get their grubby little hands on one. i'm not bragging though because i do have one small problem - while most of my contacts were saved on my sim card, some were saved to the phone. so if i haven't called you in awhile, send me your digits!
i, yes frugal me, got an iPhone. on debut weekend, i was visiting my cousin in virginia. but i must step back and tell you the whole truth and nuthin' but ...
as i left my home for the dfw airport i received a voicemail message from the local airline that i was flying to alert me of a gate change. ah! technology is awesome indeed. so, i arrived two hours early, checked in just fine after being felt up by tsa, and the plane boarded and departed right on time. i get to va. and to my surprise my cell phone was not working. yes, it's a motorola v220, yes it's old, but it was working five hours earlier! so, i assume it must be the coverage even though i subscribe to the cingular - the new at&t, more bars, yada, yada, yada. anyway, i fiddle with it from the airport to my cousin's house. at this point the phone will power up, let me dial a number, and promptly power down. after 48 hours in va. with no cell phone, my cousin's girlfriend takes me to the mall where there's a very nice apple store that just happens to have plenty of iphones and NO line whatsoever. i decide this must be sign from god or the shopping goddess or some higher power. and i, yes frugal me, purchase an iphone. and what a glorious fabulous purchase it's been. i've been back in texas for about a week and there are no iphones to be found. desperate people are visiting every at&t and apple store in sight and they cannot get their grubby little hands on one. i'm not bragging though because i do have one small problem - while most of my contacts were saved on my sim card, some were saved to the phone. so if i haven't called you in awhile, send me your digits!
2 lovely comments:
princessdominique said...
Sounds like fun. Enjoy it. Hope you're enjoying your summer too.
Nerd Girl said...
Hey there! Been dropping in every once in a while, you haven't updated in a while . . . . you okay? Hope that all is well.
Be blessed.